About Kerry
Kerry talks about Jin Shin Jyutsu and Family Constellations:
Kerry offers hands-on healing sessions in Princeton, NJ and in Manhattan. She also teaches meditation, stress management techniques, and healing techniques.
A lifelong student, Kerry has been down diverse paths including raising a family and building a computer software business. Leaving the business world some years ago afforded Kerry the opportunity to immerse herself in studies and practices that provide her with the necessary skills to be a compassionate and effective holistic health practitioner. Primary to her experience and learning have been energy healing, taiji, qigong, meditation, yoga, deep personal process, Argentine Tango and studies in Buddhism, Kabbalah and Christianity. Kerry is certified in Jin Shin Jyutsu, Reiki, Integrated Kabbalistic Healing and Bert Hellinger's Family Constellations.
Her work is about helping people feel better about who and where they are and where they are going in their lives. If they need to change something, I help them get to the place where they can make that change.
How do I do that?
The hands-on healing work that I use, Jin Shin Jyutsu and Reiki, helps ease physical difficulty, and brings emotional and spiritual peace. When in a calm physical and mental state, a person is ready to look more deeply at one's life and one's options. At that point, the Family Constellations and Integrated Kabbalistic Healing systems are tools that arm a person with a greater sense of one's place and purpose in world. They also enable us to acknowledge what is and accept life the way it is. From that point, we are more free to move out into our lives in an unencumbered way.
The meditation practices that I teach are useful and can be essential techniques to achieve these goals. In the meantime, they enable us to find quiet, peace, relaxation, and even a new level of knowing.
Another element in my healing work is movement therapy.
Many of us are aware that tai chi is an effective movement and meditation practice. I teach the basic 24 contemporary Yang style tai chi form. I also teach Qigong, also effective for relaxation, meditation and energy movement.
Finally, my most recent exploration is that of Argentine Tango. I am bringing the basics of Argentine Tango to older adults for health improvement, especially fall prevention. Currently, with my collaborator, Eileen Pall, we are launching Tango for PD, an Argentine Tango program for people with Parkinson's Disease, their family, friends and caregivers and Tango for Balance for older adults.
My offices are located in Manhattan and in Princeton, NJ for in-person sessions. I also work at a distance by phone and Skype. Please contact me: kerrykayhealing@gmail.com