Jin Shin Jyutsu - a jump start to your body's energy system
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at 1:50PM
Kerry Kay in BCRC, Breast Cancer Resource Center, Elixir Fund, Jin Shin Jyutsu, hands on healing

Recently I participated in an event organized by the Elixir Fund and hosted by the Breast Cancer Resource Center in Princeton entitled A New Year, A New You. 

The Elixir Fund is dedicated to improving the comfort and care of cancer patients and their caregivers.

The BCRC is also a very fine initiative with the mission of supporting women diagnosed with breast cancer and their families.  At the event guests were offered massage, Reiki and Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions, as well as makeovers.  There was food and plenty of good conversation since many of the guests know each other, many in a deep and caring way.

I was there to educate the guests about Jin Shin Jyutsu.  Jin Shin Jyutsu is a form of gentle acupressure that we can use for the benefit of others or for ourselves.  Without much introduction to this modality,  over 20 women were quickly learning and practicing Jin Shin Jyutsu holds.  I find it very satisfying to equip people with skills they can use to manage stress and feel better in general.

Doing Jin Shin Jyutsu is simply about placing your hands which act as jumper cables to certain points on your body to “jump start” your body’s energy system.  It’s also very relaxing – a kind of meditation.  And it's so simple. 

Most of the holds that I taught to the group were geared around breast projects.  The women were very quick to settle into the Jin Shin Jyutsu experience.  This kind of experience was familiar to many in the room.  Within five minutes the atmosphere in the room became very still and quiet as we sat there quietly giving ourselves the Jin Shin Jyutsu hug, holding our elbows, and using other holds.

It was very satisfying for me to be part of the A New Year, A New You event and I look forward to returning to future events.

Article originally appeared on Kerry Kay Healing (http://kerrykayhealing.com/).
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