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Kerry Kay's healing practice expands to New York 

I am pleased to announce that I am opening an office in New York. 

As life takes me from Princeton to Manhattan at least weekly, my community there increases.  So it makes sense that I bring my work with me. 

In early September, 2013, my New York practice launches at 80 E. 11st Street, just below Union Square. 

The office is in the St. Denis building on 11th Street between Broadway and University Place and is conveniently located to the subway.

The building is well-known and has an interesting history.  In 1853, it opened as the St. Denis Hotel.   Among the guests were Mark Twain and Ulysses S. Grant.  A New York Times article claims that General Grant began writing his memoirs at the hotel and Twain gave him guidance.  P.T. Barnum, Colonel William “Buffalo Bill “Cody and Sarah Bernhardt also took rooms at the hotel.  Alexander Graham Bell's first demonstration of the telephone happened here in 1877.   After 50 years the hotel became an office building.  One of its tenants was Marcel Duchamp.

Today the St. Denis is home to healers of many kinds.  I am pleased to be among them.  My intention is to offer individual hands-on healing sessions drawing from my "kit bag" of Jin Shin Jyutsu, Reiki, Hellinger's Family Constellations and Integrated Kabbalistic Healing.  More information about these modalities is found at my website.

To schedule a session in either New York or Princeton, where I continue to work, send me email:  kerrykayhealing@gmail.com




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